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“Minds and Hearts”Appreciating Our Teachers

05/03/2024 07:24:14 PM


Peter H, Grumbacher, Interim Rabbi

“Thanks so much, teachers.” Amen. That’s the end of my brilliant discourse this Shabbat evening.
Seriously though, you and I could stand up here or out there and thank these people between now and y’mai ha-mashiach, the messianic age, and it wouldn’t be enough.
I see them at work; I see the kids interact with them; I see the smiles on their faces; the enthusiasm in their voices; the joy they have in being here. And if you think for a moment that I’m speaking about one over the other, teachers over students or vice versa, you’d be wrong. Both teachers and students in our school meet the enthusiasm criterion. I’m always impressed, and I hope you are as well. So thank you, teachers…thank you, students…and that’s the end of us brilliant discourse this Shabbat evening.
Seriously though, while it would be enough – and surely some of you are indeed saying dayenu - there are a few more words to add to my tribute.
The Dalai Lama, spiritual leader of the Tibetan Buddhists, has said a great deal of relevant and uplifting thoughts across the decades. Regarding teachers he taught, “You can touch the mind, but the true teacher touches the heart.”
Ain’t that the truth! How many of us had superb intellects standing before us in the classroom who knew everything about everything, and they’d be the first to tell you? We remember that, but not a thing about what they were teaching. Why? Because you and your needs didn’t particularly matter to them. Dr. Tyson, my freshman psych professor was known to be among the best minds in his field. Let me tell you, one of the reasons I’m standing on the bima tonight and not in a chair analyzing a client is because of Dr. Tyson. I did learn from him…I learned what I didn’t want to be.
And Carl Buechner, also a great contemporary thinker, said about teachers, “They may forget what you said, but they will not forget how you made them feel.” Dr. Setleis, my 8:00 am instructor in my quest for an MSW, well, had he stood in the place of Dr. Tyson, I might well have not been standing on the bimah. He was inspirational, and he touched the hearts of all of us.
Well, with respect to our Beth El faculty and its superb director, even I am moved by their dedication. I’m moved by what they know, by what they say and by what they do. You make the kids feel Jewish…joyfully Jewish…and I don’t think they forget what you said either.
And that really is the end of my brilliant discourse this Shabbat evening

Tue, November 12 2024 11 Cheshvan 5785